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How to Set up a Robot

TMflow Software version : All versions.

TM Robot hardware version : All versions

The robot and control box have different IP ratings and should be protected in different ways :

For the Control Box : #

The control box has a rating of IP32, but it should not be used in a dusty and humid environment. Special attention is needed when the box is in an environment with conductive dust, such as metal filings. (It is recommended that the box be placed upright to make sure it maintains its IP32 rating.)

For the Robot : #

The robot has an IP54 rating. It may not meet this rating if it is equipped with a different light device. (Contact with a liquid containing a chemical substance—e.g., a chemical solvent, lubricant, disinfectant, or cleaner—may cause damage to a joint cover of the robot or any other component.)

For the Composite Cable : #

Install the robot’s composite cable at the proper angle and direction. Improper installation may cause damage to the pins of the connector, which may lead to issues in communication, power, or the camera.

For instructions onn where and how to install the robot, please refer to the Chapter 「Robot Arm Installation Hardware Installation Manual」

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