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[UI Builder] Connect and Get Control on TM Robot

Connect and Login
With TM Operator Platform Command, Dashboard could easily connect to the robot. Please notice that the Robot_IP should be correct for your TM Robot:
In define area:
string Robot_IP = "192.XXX.XXX.XXX"
Create a function:

  if (OperatorActiveX1->ConnectRobot->[Robot_IP] == false)
    messagebox "Please check robot connection again"
  OperatorActiveX1->LogIn = "adminstrator",""

Get Control
There are some operations (e.g., open specific TMflow project) that require Get Control on TM Robot.

  OperatorActiveX1->GetControl = true

Release Control
Use LogOut function in code to release control on TM Robot:

  OperatorActiveX1->GetControl = false

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